When the sexual integrity of your marriage is breached by the use of pornography, affairs, or unhealthy boundaries, coaching can help you move from fear and anger to a place of clarity and empower you for your next steps.
Coaching is not therapy although you may find the process very therapeutic. As your coach, I can help you establish a plan of action and help you be the very best that you can be by championing you. I will help motivate you to do things beyond what you think you are able to do.
Tami Oliver
Certified Christian Coach
Next Step Recovery
You deserve answers to all these questions and more. Coaching will allow you the opportunity to be validated in your pain but also give you the opportunity for self discovery and growth. You are now on a journey that might look hopeless at times but you are not powerless in your circumstance. There is support, education of the addiction, and empowerment waiting for you. Accept the support you deserve!
Tami Oliver,
Certified Christian Coach
Email: toliver590@gmail.com